Saturday, October 2, 2010

The definitive guide to writing a good advertising

For some reason that I'm not exactly clear, I do not know where or autobiographies, biographies are interesting to know that this does not mean that there are interesting people out there. For some reason I can not read that others are interesting. This book is an exception.

It is in fact two books, not one: My Life in Advertising and Scientific Advertising. The first is the autobiography. The second is Hopkins' advice and strategies forthe most of your advertising and marketing.

For once, I enjoyed reading a biography. I think the reason that Hopkins did not spend a lot of time talking about his life. He wants to talk about his life, he just does not work a lot of time and what it actually does is to tell. Another thing that made his biography is really interesting about the different advertising campaigns on which he has done and how successfully.

In otherWords that did not make the same fatal error as autobiographies: Do not go on and on you until you are bored to pieces.

The second book is a scientific publicity, and this is the most important classic in the field of advertising and copywriting. This book is so important for anyone who writes copy that legendary copywriter David Ogilvy, says that one should read at least seven times.

Many of the techniques described in this book demonstrates that today's writers useTechniques that Hopkins invented. Hopkins covers all the important elements of writing your copy, headlines, art and a story to tell in your copy. He also shows how the campaigns so you do not spend your money in campaigns that do not work for testing.

If you need a copywriter or an entrepreneur who wants to get more advertising, this book is a classic and a must.

My Life in Advertising, by Claude scientificHopkins is a must for anyone serious about writing your ads to make money to read.

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