Thursday, October 7, 2010

How Being rich can not be too It's up to be violated

Let's face it. We have all dreamed of what would be if we were absolutely rich. I mean, worth millions. I used to think of the lifestyle of the rich and think seriously. "As unattainable and how fantastic must be to imagine a lot of money in your bank account is available." Until I read "Losing my virginity by Richard Branson. (Owns Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Mobile and links to tons of other companies label Virgin.) This was the beginninga new hobby of reading biographies of my business ... but I digress.

For many years, Mr. Branson, a billionaire in debt. In fact, many people often speak with an overdraft of a few thousand or few hundred dollars or pounds. Richard had an overdraft of 30 million! Not only that, the banks kept harassing him and demanded he pay back their money as quickly as possible. I do not know about you, but I remember receiving letters from this arrogant by banks reminds me (as I remember)I was covered and I wanted to pay a ridiculous fee to be coated and PS you will be asked this letter into consideration. Unbelievable. But the things on their head Richard (by selling some of its businesses) pay the banks their money back and went on to build his empire.

But the point is that a millionaire is not so as they say. You still need the basic skills of money management that everyone needs. Millionaire orno.

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