In "A positive life," author Shane Stanford shares her experiences of living with HIV. This is an inspiring story, living with HIV, people who love and the family of God The way we treat people softens when it is close to home.
Shane spent his childhood with hemophilia, a blood disorder, require more care in preventing injury and drugs to human blood products. It 'been diagnosed with HIV at the age of 16 years. This was during the time when theAIDS epidemic was first sighted. He continued, his childhood sweetheart, who loved him and accepted him as she had to marry.
Shane was a pastor of his own life lessons and challenges were. He and his wife have three daughters. Many people are living longer than expected and helped the drug. He shares openly and intimate details of his life.
It was a story of when he slipped from a silent retreat, why not take no more silence. Hegas held in a small town gas station / store / restaurant. He was the only customer there. The elderly man who ran the place of cooked chicken. It ended with dinner and the conversation of two hours. The man prayed for Shane. Sometimes it is easier to tell your story to a stranger open-minded, they may never see again. There is something therapeutic about it. These are moments of God in our lives, when they know that we need to listen and a word of encouragement.
The ChurchCommunity must adapt to these changes over the decades. He had to learn, others who are different and fear are overcome. It had to be reached to learn to grow. Talking about these fears is to overcome the first step in this. Our children will learn from our example. We want to teach them values, morals and absolute, but must also understand compassion.
This book might be a good resource for any library of the church. It would also be for those living with HIV and the goodThe families who love them. It offers hope, support and inspiration. God has a plan for everyone, regardless of circumstances. The road is not always easy, but if we have another on our journey, we are not alone. Shane is God to bless them.
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