Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sharing the Wealth : My Story

Sharing the Wealth : My Story


Product Details

Sharing the Wealth is the incredible true story of how a a week baker became a multi-millionaire owner of a Super Bowl NFL team and an unprecedented philanthropist. The road Alex Spanos took to riches was not a common one. Without the advantages of money, background, education, or connections, Spanos relied on his own heart and determination to achieve success.

Spanos recounts how his first gamble was his hardest and most important. As a husband and father of one child, with a second on the way, Spanos was barely making ends meet working in his father's bakery. When his father refused to give him a raise to equal the going rate for bakers, he walked out, vowing never to return to his father's employ. His first venture, selling bologna sandwiches to migrant workers, was earning 0,000 annually just five years after he left the bakery. He ultimately made his fortune in the construction business, becoming the #1 builder of apartments in America.

Sharing the Wealth also shares the personal side of Alex Spanos. He struck lasting friendships with such celebrities as Bob Hope and Telly Savalas. He was given the key to the city of San Francisco, he provided relief funds after floods ravaged Northern California, and assisted with humanitarian aid when an earthquake struck Greece. Whenever a need arose, Alex Spanos was there to help. Finally, Spanos shares his odyssey of first buying an NFL team, and then ultimately reaching the Super Bowl.

Customer Reviews ::

Excellent Book - She - Reading...
This was great inspiration, and reminded me to stay focused on only a few large goals rather than several small and unrelated ones. I would recommend it to anyone who with a mindset toward achieving a better life, career, or work ethic.


Daughter of the Saints: Growing Up In Polygamy

Daughter of the Saints: Growing Up In Polygamy


Product Details

"Probably the best book ever written about polygamy. Neither an apologia nor an exposé."—Salt Lake City Tribune

"I am the daughter of my father's fourth plural wife, twenty-eighth of forty-eight children—a middle kid, you might say."

So begins this astonishing and poignant memoir of life in the family of Utah fundamentalist leader and naturopathic physician Rulon C. Allred. Since polygamy was abolished by manifesto in 1890, this is a story of secrecy and lies, of poverty and imprisonment and government raids. When raids threatened, the families were forced to scatter from their pastoral compound in Salt Lake City to the deserts of Mexico or the wilds of Montana. To follow the Lord's plan as dictated by the Principle, the human cost was huge. Eventually murder in its cruelest form entered when members of a rival fundamentalist group assassinated the author's father.

Dorothy Solomon, monogamous herself, broke from the fundamentalist group because she yearned for equality and could not reconcile the laws of God (as practiced by polygamists) with the vastly different laws of the state. This poignant account chronicles her brave quest for personal identity. Originally published in hardcover under the title Predators, Prey, and Other Kinfolk.

Customer Reviews ::

Polygamy Review - Barbara Mclaughlin - Burlington,Ont. Canada
Somewhat disappointing-not as much about polgamy as I expected given what you hear-except for multiple mothers she seems to have lived a normal life.Not as much scandal as in other books on polygamy.It does however give more of an insight between the meaning of mormonism and polygamy.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Song Written by Lori Lori Foroozandeh

Lori Foroozandeh grown so much abused children, sexually and mentally. He began to wonder what in normal life, and if the "games" of their family played with it were good or bad for them. As always, have been extremely negative for Lori. Your "tickle" episodes more than tickled. The only reason why I stress the abuse is so that you can see what much of the rest of his life has become because of the abuse. He got to the point where the sexual and physical abuse wassomething has grown to accept as normal.

Lori married first fifteen years with a much older man, if he felt emancipated. That marriage did not last long. At seventeen he enlisted in the army and fell in love with her recruiter and got pregnant at a time. They married after he left without permission and received a dishonorable discharge. Lori had to go training area and was selected in a group to see how women react in battle. Lori went AWOL several times andfinally decided that the army was not for their future. A few years later he was captured and was separated from the Army. Lori's life had become quite wild!

When in 2007 Lori met her husband beside Foroozandeh Mohammad, who also had children. He said that, or actually forced to go into Iran, where he would be things for both women and their wild record in the United States has moved said. After arriving in Iran, Lori was forced to wear Islamic dress. Lori wasEnglish teacher. He hated living in Iran with all the ways that they had to follow and to add misery, Mohammad began to beat and beat her even more when he discovered that Lori was trying to find a way back, the United Sates.

Mohammad and Lori, while they were together in the streets, but everyone was kidnapped, a private place. These places were storage, not a field, as we know it. From then on it went downhill for Lori. She was connected 24 / 7 for another girl.They were given little food, most of which are the one who laid the camp guards on the ground or water was scrounged from puddles of mud. They eat insects, rats or what might get more raw. It 'was the drug trade of Mohammad, which translates into a place like this? They did not know.

This went on for months and in different fields, as it went from one to another. They were taken out of sleep or rest, to break a different area of the field, and were tortured and repeatedly raped.The soldiers would take their turn to do with a woman, what he wanted them. Women have just looked at the point in space as this was happening, but there was no way for everyone to get used to such a disgrace. Some of the things that have occurred in the camps are so bad that you cringe as you read and you wonder how they survived. The truth is that many do not survive.

As I read I wondered how a man can do these things to other people. Somesadistic things are not done on animals much less humans. I will stop here, not as one of the last parts of the book to ruin. Every so often I stopped to read and think: "It 's really happening in our world?" Just Lori and many in their field, many of whom did not know that we've been.




Product Details

* One who is acquainted with practical philosophy is not, therefore, a practical philosopher. The latter is he who makes the rational end the principle of his actions, while at the same time he joins with this the necessary knowledge which, as it aims at action, must not be spun out into the most subtile threads of metaphysic, unless a legal duty is in question; in which case meum and tuum must be accurately determined in the balance of justice, on the principle of equality of action and action, which requires something like mathematical proportion, but not in the case of a mere ethical duty. For in this case the question is not only to know what it is a duty to do (a thing which on account of the ends that all men naturally have can be easily decided), but the chief point is the inner principle of the will namely that the consciousness of this duty be also the spring of action, in order that we may be able to say of the man who joins to his knowledge this principle of wisdom that he is a practical philosopher.

Customer Reviews ::


Invisible Ink - Book Review

Carl Veno Invisible Ink book offers an insider view of the world's press during the author 25 years as a journalist and editor - in a time when major events were dramatic impact on American society. Told in a no-nonsense approach sober matter-of-the stories of experiences with the author's family history have been mixed, the immigration of his Italian ancestors in America over 125 years. Carl clearly remembers moments of memories of growingand his first love New York.

A number of newspaper readers "wars" have been destroyed and absorb each other during a time of incredible change and discovery for the American people. Topics interesting and noteworthy to learn how men and women to live in, work gangster, racism, riots, war and space travel were fighting for the living space. Of all the author reveals the internal office politics in the field. We all know that from experience differencesoccur in the workplace - management problems, competition for employees, etc. - and it's all here. However, introduced at the top of the reader in an interesting and eccentric characters, complicated labor relations and love affairs office. The epilogue ends well with the fate of some of the papers cited in the book.

Before entering the world of journalism, Carl spent time as a barber, boxer, soldier and military. Without his work and free training, Veno wasWorkers from eight newspapers (some of whom have won numerous awards) and was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize during his career. Carl is now retired and able to pursue his love of exercise, race, and continue to write books.

ISBN #: 1-4137-4881-3
Author: Carl Veno
Publisher: Publish America

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

4 Tips for writing your biography Motivational Speaker

Have you ever wanted to create your own public success never spoken before stage? One of the most effective ways for a speaker before they even open their mouths to estimate is to write a killer biography. Just as your CV will be used to get a job, the speaker is used to listen to your audience to sell organic credentials and enthusiasm, you have to say. Creating an effective written biography is one of the most important but overlooked, is in possession of agreat speech. I'm going to show you how to make a big!

Make no mistake about the importance of this: the bio will take you to meeting planners and visitors to sell. To be effective, must be written correctly, so here are four tips that apply to pick up your motivational speaker biography possible.

1. Ask yourself, "What did I do to impress or 'wow' the audience?" What have you done in your life that makes you qualified to speak on the subject? What you haveachieved in your life? Who have shared the stage with? What did you do that make people say, "Wow," What would you get to be fascinated heard someone else? Add the first place in your biography.

2. Ask yourself, "What have I done to add credibility?" Have you recently published a book? People are very impressed. If you have yet to publish a book, you can focus on a forthcoming book. Who did you work, or worked for you?Have you ever been a position of distinction or accomplished something of significance? Add this further.

3. Ask yourself: "How can I impress my audience?" Think about your background. Did you accomplish something that no one has or has had? If so, he said. So your visitors will be able to say 'wow' before they even hear you speak.

4. Connect with a celebrity or someone they know. Write about people or companies that have done for you ... or better yet, a photothe eye with the president of the company or if you have spoken with a celebrity. If you do not get any of these, you can always write about how many states and countries you have been to! They appear to be a celebrity in some way, and people take note!

You can use these four points and presents the best motivational speaker biography. Draw a large audience to feel happy to talk to you (which means more money inPocket). Now go and use these ideas!

African-American hero

There are the symbols of Kwanzaa, an African-American celebration to commemorate the life of Martin Luther King, Jr., a great African-American who has taught people of all races of freedom and equality. Martin Luther King's birthday was observed on the third Monday in January.

We honor King each year, so you have taught us the important things to remember all my life.
Kwanzaa is from December 26 to January 1 each year observed. At the celebration of Kwanzaa, African-Americans andOthers are reminded of their history and struggle. Kwanzaa is a time to keep the strong African-American families to encourage people to work together for the good of all African-American men and the image of a prosperous future for African-American children. All these things were important to Dr. King.

Read a story or a part of a biography of Martin Luther King. As you can read about some of his experiences to tell how you felt or what you wanted to do in his place. EvenRead Matthew 5:9-12, 14-16. He talks about how these verses relate to the life of Dr. King. In what way has to bring his world? How did he shine his light of God? What happened to him as a peacemaker?

Dr. King was shining like a light that will help us see the path. Dr. King has helped many people to see that everyone is treated fairly, regardless of the color of his skin. Martin Luther King was the world's peoples should live together in harmony.

Peter Peterson - Truly living the American dream

George Petropoulos Vahl came from Greece, did so many immigrants to America for a better life for himself and his family. Speak English and a third grade education, has carved a place in this country with hard work and determination. older brother George had come to America, then George, and others came later in the family. Most have to travel through Ellis Island, like my father, in the country where the streets were paved with gold, or so theythought. Along the way, he changed his name to George Peterson and often told his son Peter, as he repented, he changed his name when he did not want people to think that he was proud of his heritage. It was a greek family proud!

The hard times that Peter's family lived, as he grew up, is one that so many children of Greek immigrants, I can relate. George had several different jobs before finally, in Kearney, Nebraska has worked. We opened a cafeteria open 24 hours a day anddid a thriving business out of sheer will and hard work. She married Peter's mother, Julia Papapavlou, who came from a wealthy family had something to Sparta in Greece. My mother's family came from the same area in a new way, the true story of the legacy of Peter phoned me. By the time you are married, and George was his prosperous Café Central and marriage in 1924 had the promise of a future good. George was a typical 24 / 7 people who work and Veneto, the typical obedientGreek woman. Peter because I wanted a 100% American, but as in most Greek families, played his heritage and religion were important in his youth and education.

The beginning of the formation of an American Dreamer Of particular interest to me was when I could relate so much with my family back. Peter Peterson went to a "better life" after attending the MIT and Northwestern Business School to build. As a young man had a place in advertising, with a large firm based in Chicago. His legacywork ethic has taken him quickly to a management position with Bell and Howell, where he was credited with creating the "boom box". As a Republican, has joined the global political arena and as an adviser to Richard Nixon on international trade and later the Secretary of Commerce in the early '70s. It plays an important role in corporate America, held seats on boards, working with think tanks and working groups, it was not long before Peterson was in play on Wall Street. He soon became the headLehman Brothers and it was from there that Peterson found the private equity firm Blackstone Group to be known and when he left his role on sale for $ 1850000000 helped.

Living the American dream has not come without struggles and personal problems. He had to do with brain surgery and went through two divorces. He has had his share of opponents and supporters along the way, but it is now, Joan Ganz Cooney helped create Sesame Street married and lives his life forCivil Service eighty hours. He made many wise choices in life and now wants to pass on to others, especially young people, as the financial burden of the youth of America are heirs to treat. He has, in fact, contribute much of the net proceeds from Blackstone, he helped create the Foundation G. Peter Peterson, the youth of tomorrow. story of Peter Peterson is easy to read, read much like a novel, with its humor and easy style to go forward. This is worth reading if youthey just want a good story, like a man in the foreground in spite of place where they come from, or to the financial and political context that is clearly written in the book. This is precisely the American Dream raises a title, because it means this song proves it.

Monday, September 27, 2010

A Million Miles in a thousand years ago by Donald Miller

If this sounds like the word for a movie, is in some way. This is the state that the author Donald Miller was still in the planning of natural Miller eventually led to the writing of A Million Miles in a thousand years. Miller was approached by two producers, his "Blue Jazz" is expected in a movie - a challenge, no doubt, because the book is both a memoir and a collection of (Miller was a "memorial accidentally referred to ) essays.

The pointMiller's latest book examines and verifies the agency, never lose faith in his main theme often referenced (or characters) - God

Perhaps the most obvious difference from previous efforts AMMIATY Miller is that her books for a trip that was traveling at the reader, the author chronicles. If Miller was once the solution of its own secrets, along with the search for answers, it is now fresh and full of hope - even if encouraged to live your life like a fairy taleeven if that is what he wants, it's almost as if you know the end. And in a way which, given its continued strong belief in faith.

As fans of Miller provided AMMIATY is sprayed with enthusiasm - we would say - love for life.

Miller that a life coach - - manages to make his books endlessly readable Despite what may be sti-mocking claims. He is like a chatty friend whose infectious enthusiasm is impressive and ubiquitous. There is acolloquial writing style of Miller on the Internet makes a wide audience.

The reader also distinctiveness Vibe, Miller replaced by someone who is just a good feeling - that he is healthy and happy and I want you too. Miller took the proverbial bull by the horns Fitness - Fitness hugged and embraced the Tour de France with such a force, took the famous French cycling tour on himself.

And, as the reader can expect Miller AMMIATY comes with a good and positive message, and thatto live and to live your life as a story. This means - and this is the reviewer the impression - to your life as a story to life: one that you create and develop characters, one that you can be creative with one that you can modify and back - and better, and give a happy ending. In essence, it is encouraging everyone to be proactive. Do not be passive - do not let it happen to you so that they happen.

And things is what Miller did for himself. His firstPaper, through deserts, painting, was as at age 21, left his native Houston in a VW bus. He followed with Blue like jazz, which was, as in VW this trip, he ran out of money in Portland, audited classes at Reed College (which is supposedly "the campus without God in the land.") Is that the book was to a New York Times bestseller list, and is a film (and later the AMMIATY subject) to be.

His search for his biological father was the focus of hisfiction Father, then in its beginning, the Mentoring Project, an organization that develops "responds to the crisis in American-ness of his father." search for God knows what Miller was also a bestseller.

AMMIATY is a welcome addition to the fees of Miller's books.

Going Rogue Sarah Palin - An American Life

New Sarah Palin "Going Rogue: An American Life" is a book intended to cover all these wonderful moments of the most famous resident of the U.S. state of Alaska. The former governor of Alaska has decided to calm her down, quiet lifestyle to the public by a political figure, as they move to accept the vice-presidential candidate John McCain. In a surprise move the former presidential candidate John McCain, Sarah Palin, has chosen to make his running matetake the second candidate and the first candidate in each of the Alaska national party ticket.

At the time of his choice as vice-presidential candidate of the Republican Party needed a big change. Barack Obama has been in a role that the Democrats were excited about their masses and looking stronger than ever.

The presidential race has suffered a severe jolt when the former governor of Alaska accepted the GOP nomination. News from all majorNewspapers around the world is described as the Maverick was able to do it again. With the help of his new running mate was John McCain, the Republican Party relevant again. And the end of June 2008 (just five months before the presidential election), the Republican Party has led in most polls in the United States.

Shockwave was clear that Palin and her portrait was taken when the American girlfriend and got the attention of millions of people at the same time to movethe Liberals against the Republican base. In August 2008, the GOP is the best month of presidential elections. Millions of humble origins Sarah Palin in Alaska, have been considered at some point in August, women were more patriotic in the United States, have taken advantage of their situation (by his son in Iraq) as a true American, a female worker mother and wife of a worker union man.

Sarah Palin Self Destruction

Months later, Palin was turned off, distracted byMcCain camp. The rumors began to fly, making their own agenda and staff without McCain in their decisions.

"It's a Diva" was a comment made by a member McCain. And the agent added, as she "had always been rogue.

The biggest mistake was, with only three months left in the race for the presidency. At this time the staff was not in their strategic decisions McCain Palin, and both Palin and McCain began to draw upWay.

End of September 2008 will have to take the infamous error, an interview with Katie Couric. The interview was a total debacle for the GOP. An anchor Katie Couric on CBS, Sarah Palin did sound inexperienced, ignorant and completely inappropriate to assume a leadership role.

Tina Fey impersonation

After his infamous interview with Katie Couric, Sarah was the joke of late night shows. Saturday Night Live took the award for best impersonation of SarahPalin. In one episode, Tina Fey, while the identity of a statement as you can see Russia from Alaska their home. That statement was so powerful that the public later, the real Palin mistakes ignorant population.

The Architect's Brother

The Architect's Brother


Product Details

  • ISBN13: 9780944092842
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Customer Reviews ::


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Embracing the unexpected - Parenting a child with special needs

Something About Daniel posted a trip with my son on the complexity, life and love, Robyn Stecher, both openly and convincingly - a love story of a mother and how the unexpected arrival of a child with educational needs hugs special. Stecher never allows the challenges that the life of Daniel to suffer because one of them presented.

Instead, he continued Stecher, to pursue a career in the highly competitive world of show business and eventually became one of the mostby animator in films and television. Stecher was traveling through other traumatic events of his life, a marriage in ruins, the loss of a sister riddled with cancer, the challenges of returning to work after the birth of his son Daniel and working parents - and any special needs .

Failure is not an option for Stecher and they are still very significant and successful. Something About Daniel is the story of how a new mother, her heart and mind open to a specialNeeds of children. The stories of the book shows a mother's unwavering love for his son and faith as strong as a rock, the future would hold the happiness for both.

The reader will follow Daniel to go through the first years of learning, his adventures in the playground, at school and a young man, when masters the challenges of life. Always at his side is his mother, his mastery of all its cause and Daniel can only see what they do rather than what can notto achieve.

Stecher says, There's Something About Daniel, "From the first time I have the eyes of my son, I only saw the opportunity ... I was ready to embrace the unexpected, and have confidence in the -. for which there is no evidence of citation is a confirmation of the mentality that Stecher was born from the massive, previously unknown tasks, such as Daniel performed.

Something About Daniel is one that anyone can enjoy reading all around, and find inspiration, motivation andknow about living life with a child with special needs and challenges. The book has essays on life experiences that she and Daniel compiled together and really captures the spirit of who this extraordinary woman.

Reading the book, comes the message that God has finally decided to Robyn Stecher mother Daniels. His love for Daniel was infinite, as was their willingness to climb the highest mountain or swim the deepest sea for their child. Your most important goals for Danielwas that he realize his true potential with a strong and capable man and the world would be a better place.

Something About Daniel: a journey with my son on the complexity, life and love, is an extraordinary story of two extraordinary people who have really left our world a better place.

Lewis Hamilton is my story - a biography full of emotion

Life is full of exciting experiences. Often autobiographical sketches that fascinated readers. Because these genres contain revelations of realistic fiction or other readers of novels have much more to learn from these writings. "My Story" is another addition to the fabulous world of autobiography, to be released for sale recently (November 5, 2007).

It is worth mentioning that there is an interesting story to British Formula One (F1) driver Lewis Carl Hamilton. In avery young age, including Lewis Hamilton have to be a genius in the field of racing. Of course, his biography is no less exciting than any thriller and suspense stories. This youngster, who recently played for Team McLaren, January 7, 1985 in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, was born.

"My Sory" is a full account of the life of Lewis Hamilton, where for the first time about his impressive debut season. He vividly describes his career, his father Antonio, ChildhoodThe experience and, above all, its exciting climax of the 2007 F1 World Championship. As an engine driver Lewis Hamilton thrilled the world with nearly its amazing performance. Winning races one after the other, has produced records for his victories in Canada, Hungary, America and Japan for the last race of the season, led the driver standings.

It was almost successful, as most of the drivers of the motor at the initial stage of his career looking for. His autobiography "My Story", istrue because of his extraordinary life and off the track. He also explained his problems, he had lived during his childhood. Lewis tells an interesting episode in his first Go-Kart in Ibiza, while budgets are tight family vacation was.

The book also shows some of the most incredible events of his life at a dinner of motor sport in which wearing a borrowed suit, Lewis approached Ron Dennis, team principal of McLaren. His approach forever changed his career and put him onunprecedented levels. In "My Story" Lewis recalled his march from the junior level are dominated series Formula racers simultaneously with better speed and race craft wonderful.

Readers also know that the victim of his father for the design of his career has taken. He expresses his gratitude to his father Anthony, who has to struggle hard in shaping the career of his son. Lewis also talks about his inspiration, as he copes with frequent travel and the physical and mentalhe faces, his personal life and much more all in 'Lewis's own words. "My Story" offers ideas and inspiration for all young people the memories of the 2007 race, the F1 World Championship, Vodafone McLaren Mercedes Lewis to which team was the dominant team. "My Story" is truly an inspiring book. Unlike other fictional stories, "My Story" is a true account, the long march of a young superstar describes an inspiration.

Leadership the Eleanor Roosevelt Way - Timeless Strategies from the First Lady of Courage

Over a year ago when I was visiting my favorite library (the Upstart Crow, San Diego Seaport Village), I saw a book called the Eleanor Roosevelt Way Leadership. Because I'm a fan of Mrs. Roosevelt, I knew I had to pack, but then something happened and distracted me, and I left the library without a book in hand. One thing led to another and I never got to order it. So I was really happy when I visited again last month and the book washere!

Part biography, part leadership statement in the context of business, leadership Eleanor Roosevelt as an easy read and interesting. The author offers a chronological overview of the life of Mrs. Roosevelt and the lessons learned in each phase, which makes for a reasonably effective presentation.

My only quibble with this approach is that Gerber moves from time to time by the historical narrative to present an example of a business without much notice and called for closerPlease note that the book otherwise requested.

The focus of the book, not surprisingly, women in leadership positions, although many of the lessons transcend gender. The opening explains that the guide is particularly important for the gender differences that continue to win, with examples of business and politics. Similar disparities in the law and report to the National Association of Women Lawyers' Annual Report of the Third National Survey on the Conservation and Promotion of the specifiedWomen in law firms, which means it is among the top 200 law firms and women include:

* Less than 16% of shareholders equity;
* 15% of medium-high society of the Committee (and an additional 15% of companies have no women on committees) and
* 6% of the firm's managing partner.

In addition, the study found that male equity partners earn women outside an average of $ 87,000. While these statistics are of limited scope, they show that, at least in the companies studied, significantInequality remains. As Gerber wrote,

Although these problems are a bit 'different in nature or extent of the problems of the day of Eleanor, the solutions are on the same basis of: leadership. Why? Leadership is about change. It means consciously make a useful, ethical, and this lead to a process of mutual support and motivation of leaders and those who wait.

Gerber draws lessons of leadership among the various stages of the life of Mrs. Roosevelt. Wider rangeand in depth, the lessons are still instructive, and probably for the reader "to provoke reflection. For example, the following lessons (learned" the hard way ") derive from painful period in which Mrs. Roosevelt found FDR's affair with Lucy Mercer

1. Comment. Every leader experiences difficult circumstances, they can not control. The solution is to learn to say to the leaders to control their reaction. Self-control is a central leadership, because as Mrs. Roosevelt wrote, "theThey exert influence through his life and what it yourself. "Leaders must sample and reactive tendencies instead of reacting to problems.

2. Reflect. At a stroke, suffering, a leader must reflect on the situation and his response. A leader must understand thoroughly, including that of a crisis means to his self-esteem and sources of energy, it can draw on it.

3. Courage to change. When a crisis occurs, the fear is a natural reaction. Mrs. RooseveltThe answer is revealing: "Courage is more exhilarating than fear, and in the long term, it is easier not to become heroes to see the night, but one step at a time, everything that the meeting opens, which is not .. so bad as it looked to be discovered, we have the strength to look down. "

4. Accept the changes and actions taken. After some thought and have the courage to act must be a leader. Mrs. Roosevelt wrote: "People can overcome what appears to be total defeat, difficultytoo large to be worn, but requires the ability to re-adjust to continuously changing conditions of life. "Managers must learn to take measures in question and forward, which occur despite the setbacks on the road.

What are the benefits for lawyers? As shown in the example above, the lessons of leadership Gerber has often drawn from writings and speeches of Mrs. Roosevelt. Leadership the Eleanor Roosevelt Way offers many driving lessons, usually on a rather superficial level,is a general principle without compiling content in depth. Consequently, those who seek thorough discussion on the practical application of leadership or to be disappointed. If you like the story of Roosevelt, however, not a good spirit, but the discussion of the lessons of their current leadership, is likely to benefit from reading Eleanor Roosevelt Way of Leadership.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Biography of Pele, the greatest footballer of all time!

Biography of Pele

Pele was the greatest player ever, scoring over 1,200 goals in a career that also brought World Cup and World Club Championships The biography of Pele is a hard act to follow for any modern player World Cup!

When soccer fans talk about the greatest player ever to discuss the skills of Pele, Maradona, Best and some legends of football, but anyone can enter the amazing biography of Pele? Pele has an amazing goal 1281in a career that covered 1360 games! This is almost an average of one goal per game!

The story of Pele

Pele was a childhood nickname as the true name of the Brazilian soccer star was Edson Arantes do Nascimento, the nickname was born from the school. Pele was the youngest player to ever win a World Cup championship medal when Brazil won the 1958 World Cup as a 17-year-old. Pelé scored two goals in the final World Cup at the age of 17 years, it is unlikely that an Achievementvote ever in the history of the World Cup.

Pele was brought in a poor area of Brazil and was appointed by his father, was a professional footballer, his father once scored five goals on top of a game! . Pele played Santos from Brazil and was part of 1962 and 1963, Inter won continential car champion (World Club Championship).

Pele was also part of the team winning the World Cup 1962, but injury hampered his appearances and that was the case inEngland 1966 World Cup as some brutal tactics put him out of the tournament and Brazil failed to retain their trophy.

Brazil World Cup winner in 1970

But the 1970 World Cup in Mexico, will always be a special memory for Pele fans as he inspired Brazil, a famous victory. The 1970 World Cup has been a celebration of football with a team that Brazil was a feast for the eyes. Even many years, you're still the famous Pele video clips and goals, the goalkeeper as the one who sellsfamous "dummy" and also scored with a brilliant header in the final of the 1970 World Cup against Italy. Pele later went on to confirm that this was a special goal as it was also Brazil's 100th World Cup goal.

to sign Pele retired from international football but made a comeback with a money spinning contract with the New York Cosmos in the American Soccer League. Pele was part of the 1977 championship winning side of the machine and the average amount of more than 80% in recent years that has graced the greatestAmerican soccer scene.

If you study the biography of Pele and watch Pele video clips and goals you agree, without a doubt that he is a genius of football, he was able to play with one foot and could be in the air to score headers despite his small size in the spring than defenders. Pelé was fast, strong and one of the best markers.

A biography of Dr Seuss

"Oh, the things that are left behind when you do not want to be able to" demonstrate by On Beyond Zebra-sighted mentality of Dr. Seuss. Born Theodor Seuss Geisel, Dr. Seuss combined Henry Ford-like ingenuity with Walt Disney-like imagination to create insightful and engaging educational material most often disguised as fun.

Inspired by the rhyming songs his mother made every night at bedtime in Springfield, Massachusetts, Theodore (Ted) incorporated aspects ofSpringfield in his early works. He used his gift of wit and gentle humor pieces for the judges took a good, life, liberty, and also "write for Vanity Fair Magazine.

The Cat in the Hat is probably one of the most famous classic Dr. Seuss', is the result of a report from Life magazine, which has seen an increasing number of illiterate children. When the editor Ted Geisel was his first job with an educational focus, Dr. Seuss rose to the occasion and has developed a strange storyon some colorful characters of some words from the publisher is required together as a good knowledge of English. Dr. Seuss felt a particular satisfaction with the engagement, and focused most of his inspiration for future work on children's reading and thinking.

From The Book of the feet, the small states, rhyming words that form the building blocks of vocabulary, Mr. Brown can Moo! May explain the gift of listening;? The King's Stilts,focus on problem-solving, and even the Lorax, which focuses on the dark side of greed, are books by Dr. Seuss are guaranteed a fresh dose of fun, along with a nice outline of education.

Dr. Theodore Seuss Geisel was a talented man whose work for another twenty years after his death and 50 years after its foundation will be exceeded.

Care for elderly parents - Mothering Mother - Daughter Memoir of a funny and poignant

When you reach the age when our parents suddenly "old" and "fragile" and require us to deal with them? At what point in the care giving of our old and sick parents, we do go to the son of parents in the parent company of the parent company? Mothering Mother by Carol O'Dell hits the reader right between the eyes dull, with their often humorous assessment of the dangers facing our parents fragile mortality.

Managing your family with the calendar as well as maintenanceParkinson's afflicted mother, Carol, in time to take care of themselves. Find intimidating and overwhelming task, at least of the best days, Carol, always the dutiful daughter on her mother's care with dignity and determination. Although escape from the grind of daily management of an elderly woman with a stubborn streak a mile foggy Until continue in their role as caregiver, mother and wife.

The author correctly states that "the entrylive and let live have similarities. "The smells, the casinos, the poverty, the cure ungrateful, it's the same song just another verse. Hospice is a network of support and guidance O'Dell Holy Grail, as it prepares for the death of his mother. Educate yourself as take care of them better understand the needs of their mother, leading the hospice workers O'Dell, the necessary decisions that adults like her mother must be reduced slowly his last days to do. The fear of the author Fullimplicit message to the hospice center says a lot of the little girl who wants more. Like all of us the sisterhood of humanity, we just want to know that we are "doing the right thing" and "I was a good daughter?" The debt wrecks and we turn to us as a formidable adversary, and O'Dell otherwise.

Part catharsis, part of the journey through the perils of the profession, Mothering Mother is an adult face the enormous task of caring for their elderly parent or loved one ringone. This beautiful story of the last difficult years of the author with her mother to leave the reader looking at the courage it will take and retain, they are our own parents to leave the life. We can only hope that we appreciated your time and so much compassion as Carol O'Dell.

Title: Mothering Mother - Daughter Memoir of humor and poignant

Author: Carol D. O'Dell

Publisher: Kunati

ISBN: 13-978-1-60164-003-1

Date: 2007

Friday, September 24, 2010

No Ordinary Lives -- Four 19th Century Teenage Diariesw

No Ordinary Lives -- Four 19th Century Teenage Diariesw


Product Details

The diaries in this collection include the writings of four young people between the ages of twelve and twenty a boy growing up on a lake in Maine, a sea captain s daughter, a Shaker farm boy, and a daughter raised by a single mom. What can we discover from these diaries? Readers may be surprised, for example, by the technology available to Delmer Wilson in the Shaker community in 1887. Because all these diaries were produced during the writers developmental years, teachers and young readers may find comments about school and growing-up issues to be of some interest. Young readers will also want to compare teenage life today with that of the past. Some teenage girls of today may find that their pastimes don t differ all that much from those of Ethel Godfrey in 1894. And, like Augusta Skolfield, how many of us have gazed up at a bright moon and thought about that same light shining on loved ones far away? Readers will find the personalities themselves of great interest. Nat Hathorne, for example, can be seen to be a great wit and a fine storyteller as a lad. Rich and varied, each of these diaries contributes something different to young people s understanding of our American story.

Customer Reviews ::


Trains of Thought: Paris to Omaha Beach, Memories of a Wartime Youth

Trains of Thought: Paris to Omaha Beach, Memories of a Wartime Youth


Product Details

In an unforgettable addition to the literature of memoir, one of America’s preeminent literary scholars tells his story of coming of age in France during the buildup to the Second World War.As a Jewish youth in France during the 1930s, Victor Brombert’s heady explorations of sex and love were cut short by the rise of Nazi power and the Vichy Regime. His family narrowly escaped to New York, where Brombert joined the U.S. Army, only to return to Europe to fight on the beaches of Normandy and in the Battle of the Bulge. As he shuttles between the stations of his life, Brombert’s narrative recaptures the textures of childhood, the horrors of war, and his own discovery of a sustaining passion for literature. By turns melancholy and erotic, his memoir is also a meditation on memory itself, and a Proustian re-creation of a lost time and place.

Customer Reviews ::

A Moving and Elegant Document - Steven M. Wolf - Villanova, PA USA
I first heard of Victor Brombert as a lecturer on Flaubert, Tolstoy, Sartre, Woolf, Conrad and others for the Teaching Company some years ago. His depth and range were therefore first an aural experience for me, rather than one taken from a book. His easy and remarkable way with the English language (by my reckoning at least his fourth, after Russian, German and French) was an experience to be relived again and again. When I read these memoirs, I found them to be at once intimate and self-effacing, while providing a valuable historical lesson as he spun out his early years. I envy those who had the experience, either at Yale or Princeton, to be his student. I also envy someone who can use his fourth language with the musicality and depth of feeling that few can do with their first. Brombert's Trains of Thought succeeds on all levels.


Thursday, September 23, 2010

How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling

How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling


Product Details

A business classic, How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling is for anyone whose job it is to sell. Whether you are selling houses or mutual funds, advertisements or ideas -- or anything else -- this book is for you.

When Frank Bettger was twenty-nine he was a failed insurance salesman. By the time he was forty he owned a country estate and could have retired. What are the selling secrets that turned Bettger's life around from defeat to unparalleled success and fame as one of the highest paid salesmen in America?

The answer is inside How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling. Bettger reveals his personal experiences and explains the foolproof principles that he developed and perfected. He shares instructive anecdotes and step-by-step guidelines on how to develop the style, spirit, and presence of a winning salesperson. No matter what you sell, you will be more efficient and profitable -- and more valuable to your company -- when you apply Bettger's keen insights on:

• The power of enthusiasm

• How to conquer fear

• The key word for turning a skeptical client into an enthusiastic buyer

• The quickest way to win confidence

• Seven golden rules for closing a sale

Customer Reviews ::

Great read - taijeremy -
Easy read, easy to understand book. A timeless values base art of selling. Highly recommended for any thinking of selling.


S Kalpanik Artificial Imagination - Book Review

Kalpanik S. Artificial is a software program for fantasy. He has a wife and two daughters and lives somewhere in the United States. I honestly say "somewhere" because you never know where is the next. Constantly in motion, to accept the positions of interest to software companies, do not let the moss grow under their feet Kalpanik. twice, once in 1988 and reborn in 2002 was not just a regular program of Artificial Intelligence Kalpanik. It was created to be different, to feeland imagine how a man can 'give. It was his character, a graduate engineer.

Starting from San Francisco, the story leads the reader through the adventures of many Kalpanik. After losing his job in San Francisco, he moved to Seattle, the comparison between the two designs and the Silicon Valley there is strange to say the least. Talk to the rain and climate change, contrary to California. How he hated his license in California and as a sweet farewell wasprocessed by the mind of the writers.

From there to Nashville as a wandering soul, he says about the demographics of his new digs in Tennessee. Like a tour guide on the bus, he describes the many attractions and beautiful scenery from every point of interest so that the reader of a humorous comment. He also includes a comparison with other Chinese restaurant was inside He explains that while in a restaurant one day he noticed that the servers were Caucasians. He had neverCaucasians noticed in every Chinese restaurant operates as a server, in every place he had ever been. This should be the first of its kind. The tour concludes with a comparison of percentages of ethnic Kalpanik Nashville. I come from a city where a high percentage of people were in Asia, has had some 'culture shock when he came to Nashville and saw that it was in Asia, but African-Americans, is that the dominant culture. In Nashville, is located in San Diego, California is not a city of moreDesires. It tells of 70 km of beaches and how they spread to the Mexican border. His description of "Mission Beach" (complete with photos) has just returned from a trip folder.

"Artificial Imagination" is a funny book and well written, with some photos very well packed in its 176 pages. I liked the unique way in which it was presented and there was a very good grade of A. I recommend it for a good book for the general public.

Center for ArtificialImagination, Inc. (2008)

ISBN 9780981476247

Posted by William Phenn for Reader Views (04/08)

Chosen by a Horse by Susan Richards

"Chosen by a Horse" by Susan Richards is a story for anyone who has ever loved an animal. I do not think that a horse and I have only driven once, but I was easily involved in the story of Richard - a memoir inspired by the impact of an abused horse in a woman with a traumatic past.

Susan Richards had worked three horses and a full-time job, but to take one of the forty maltreated horses rescued from the SPCA agreed. Recent squeeze took because he liked the namebut she could not have her in the trailer, so she went home with Lay Me Down and her foal. Despite a terrible life and to be lame, Lay Me Down a gentle animal with a love for nature, Susan reconsider their attitude has been helped in life. Their unconditional love helped recognize Susan for a long hard look at their lives and that she was capable of loving and being loved.

I - - If you know anything about horses, it does not matter. He writes in an attractive, easy to read style textureInformation on their history in a fun and writes honestly and with humor from their mistakes. Richards was a woman who tries this with their traumatic past, but not to dwell on his past. There is no self-pity in its history, only one inspiring story of his recovery, and the animal that their lives have changed for the better. It 's a touching story anyone can identify with. Chosen by a horse is a great read, but I had no idea it would take me to that emotionalRoller Coaster Ride. Keep on hand a box of Kleenex.

Publisher: Mariner Books, Reprint edition (June 4, 2007)
ISBN: 978-0156031172
Pages: 256
Price: $ 13.95

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Hill of Kronos

The Hill of Kronos


Product Details

Peter Levi paints a radiant portrait of the Greece he came to know through a lifetime of exploration. As a young scholar he was fascinated by its ruined cities and majestic mountains. Later, he lived in Athens through the dark days of the dictatorship when his political life led back to secret alliances made during the civil war and the earlier occupation, back to murder, starvation and corpse-filled quarries. Lastly he describes the country through the mature eyes of a family man, with the ripened sensibility of an acclaimed poet. This is a precious fusion of experience and insight from one philhellene to all those who have come to love Greece.

Customer Reviews ::

The climbing flower in the skeleton - Andrew J. Dubrasky - Cedar City, Utah
This is an engaging read that affords a picture a Greece from after the Second World War through the military dictatorship of the 1960's. Levi, who was a Jesuit priest, archeologist and poet, is an ideal commentator on Greece's sacred past and profane present of those years. This is a good companion to Durrell and Miller.


Galeazzo Ciano

Biographies of some chapters, you only understand the meaning after reading a few. The cover of the biography will help to understand why a person's life was important. In this case, it is no secret that Count Ciano in (writing) habit that developed valuable for understanding the development of the (first) World War II demonstrated.

The story could begin better to disclose this fact in the prologue, Edda, the (favorite), daughter of El Duce, he fled to Switzerlandwith the five diaries of the war. There will be a flashback. The first chapter begins 14 years earlier.

Moseley writes about family life and the engagement of her daughter, in the context of developments in Europe and Italy. Mussolini is still admired, even by the United States (although not all ...).
But soon the atrocities visible, not only for readers of the biography, for example, the use of poison gas in the war against Ethiopia, which was sponsored byCiano. El Duce was not initially in favor of colonial practices such as those of other nations, but it was about the bad economic situation which triggered the invasion could be useful.

The biography is on the "double life" by Black - a shadow of Mussolini, but Mussolini was also "Ciano not only the product of his father-in-law ...

The atrocities begin soon, either in the book (Chapter II - from diplomats to bomber pilot), as in his real son, life-in-law. AgainBiography is a story of change, it is that you get an understanding of the characters, but something in his relationship with his father, changing-in-law ... "Those who have destroyed ...

(The book includes some photos in which one of them reveals the end of Mussolini)

A must for anyone involved in the combination of psychology, intrigue and interest for personal development reading (Cyan is the youngest Foreign Minister in Europe at that time, at the age of 32) and of course:History. Some of them, the history of the Spanish Civil War, in which El Duce and Ciano had an interest ... and why not Spain enter World War II ... But this is just another person (1)

"The shadow of Mussolini, The Double Life of Count Galeazzo Ciano," a biography of Ray Moseley:

(1) -

Hans Bool

Daisy's Aunt

Daisy's Aunt


Product Details

Purchase of this book includes free trial access to where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: CHAPTER VI. TEANNIE HALTON, going up to her bedroom that night, felt very keenly that ineffable sense of coming home which makes all the hours spent in alien places seem dim and unreal. She could hardly believe that it was she who had been so long away from so many friends, still less that it was she who, a year ago, tired and weary, had gone southwards in search of that minimum of health and peace which makes existence tolerable. Yet that time abroad could never have become dim to her, since it was there, in the winter spent in Rome, that her old friendship with Victor Braith- waite had ripened into intimacy and burst into love. Rome would always be knit into her life. It was not only in affairs of the mind and affections that her perception was acute. Like most highly-organized people, her body, her fine material senses, were vivid messengers to her soul; and as she went upstairs she contrasted with a strong sense of content her purely physical surroundings with those in which she had lived for the last forty-eight hours. For two days and nights she had been hurried across Europe, over the jolt and rattle of the racing wheels; by day the blurred landscape, wreathed in engine-smoke, had streamed by her; by night she had seen nothing but the dull, stuffed walls of her sleeping compartment, and it was an exquisite physical pleasure to have the firm, unshaken floor underfoot, to be surrounded by the appointments of a beautiful house, to be able to move of one's own volition again, and not to be taken like a parcel in a van from one end of Europe to the other. And how delicious also it was to be clean, to have revelled in soap and water, instead of beingcoated and pelted at by dust and coal-grime ! On the surface of life this was all pleasant; it all added to her sense of secu...

Customer Reviews ::


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Voices from the Grave: Two Men's War in Ireland

Voices from the Grave: Two Men's War in Ireland


Product Details

Ed Moloney-s A Secret History of the IRA is the best-informed account yet written of the IRA-s evolution from ruthless guerrilla army into governmental party, ruling Northern Ireland alongside its most intransigent former enemies.But reconciliation between political figures who until very recently wished each other dead or in jail has not been accompanied by very much truth-telling about the past. Men who have been to the White House and hob-nobbed with Tony Blair deny that they ever fired a shot in anger, or caused a bomb to be planted. Now, in a truly ground-breaking piece of historical evidence-gathering initiated by Boston College, two former paramilitary leaders - one republican, one loyalist - speak with unprecedented frankness about their role in some of the most appalling violence of the Troubles. Their openness results in a book of shocking and irresistible testimony, their voices set in the context of a narrative by Ed Moloney of their lives and of the society they grew up in.

  • ISBN13: 9781586489328
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Customer Reviews ::

excellent first hand source - cathartid -
I have only read a few hundred pages. Well written and well laid out, the book follows the Irish conflict from that 60's thru present. Actual interviews are scripted and the nuts & bolt details are revealed as to why certain things were handled the way they were. An excellent first hand recount of events.


The most important achievements of Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson asked that his tomb would remain for three things in mind

First Author of the Declaration of Independence.

Second pass state of religious freedom in Virginia.

Third establishing the University of Virginia.

These were perhaps his most important successes, but there were also some other advantages.
Firstly, the Declaration of Independence was a great success because it is the highest ideals of American expressionRevolution. Jefferson made no claim to originality. Many of the ideas he wrote about were won by the works of others, especially Locke, Human rights, has also received advice from Benjamin Franklin and John Adams. However, the achievement of Jefferson was bringing together the best ideas and to express, in a memorable, almost mantra style.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certaininalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. "

The Declaration of Independence embodied the American ideals of freedom and democracy than any other document. In his Gettysburg Address of 1863 Abraham Lincoln's appeal to the ideals expressed in this document reviews, as he urged the people to fight to the end of slavery.

"Four score and received seven years ago our fathers born on this continent a new nation, freedom anddedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. "

However, Jefferson did not have everything his way. E 'included a clause that the monarch has been criticized for the introduction of slavery. But this was taken at the request of the slave class.

The second great achievement of Jefferson was "The Statute of Religious Freedom" This has been a cornerstone of legislation. Please note that when the idea of religious freedom, was quite revolutionary.Religious minorities are often experienced oppression and persecution. The law was passed only with great resistance, they saw the law as an attack on Christianity. This act cemented the idea of religious freedom in America, what the individual pockets of their spiritual and religious paths. Jefferson was instrumental in creating a separation between state and religion.

Over the past 17 years of life of Jefferson, who designed and was the inspiration behind the universityVirginia. It was his belief that education was associated with personal freedom and a nation full of life. Only through education makes it possible and accessible to all individual freedom can be successfully

Not for nothing - A history of domestic violence and Murder

Not for nothing

Author Jan Lobeck daughter, Sheri and her husband Craig, 13 murdered in May 2004. Not for nothing, which tells the story of the crusade Lobeck attitudes of law enforcement to recognize domestic violence as a serious problem, and change the criminal justice system, so that the change victims and their families but protects the criminal. The book follows her struggle to protect and keep custody of her grandson, Cameron.

Lobeck metThe indifference and negligence of the police, lawyers, judges, prosecutors, and died on the day of his daughter. The police did not consider the death a homicide by Sheri Lobeck reminded them of many mandates Craig exceptional violence in other states.

Desperate for justice, wrote a detailed letter about their situation, sending the Senators to defend, Office of the Governor, First Lady and members of Congress, for all to stop domestic violence.

He has received many letterssympathy, but only an offer of assistance from the Office of the Governor's wife. This support has started the campaign for justice Lobeck moving. He spoke of the rotunda in Santa Fe building in the capital murder of Sheri and the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence conference in Washington in the spring of 2005. He started a nonprofit society, victims of domestic violence called MOM or help mothers on a mission. He hopes that one dayknown as MADD.

With the fall of 2005, Lobeck plan to maintain custody of Cameron was a setback when he heard that Craig, the murderess of her daughter, now freed from prison Cameron would get from her. A judge had submitted an emergency custody of his son Craig. Lobeck gone underground, so that judges would find to give the job to Craig Cameron. These extreme measures were alienated from their children and extended his marriage to the pointDivorce.

Not for nothing is a well-written, powerful, emotional story of courage and justice tirelessly to find a woman convicted of killing their child, to change the legal system to protect his nephew. Lobeck January for victims of abuse and continue to fight against domestic violence. She is involved with the survivors of New Mexico for murder, and as a volunteer for CASA (court-appointed attorney for children).

Not free advice to survivors of domesticViolence and their families. If you know of someone in an abusive marriage or relationship, you give them a copy.
It could save their lives.

Reviewed by William Potter for Post Reader's Choice
Xlibris 2009
ISBN13 :978-1-4363-8833-7

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sojourner Truth's America - A Review

Sojourner Truth America is one of the most phenomenal books ever written about this extraordinary woman. The author, Margaret Washington, has not only opened the world of Sojourner, but also a culture within a culture.

I have been most affected by the inclusion of the Washington culture of the Dutch, with Sojourner spent much of their charm years slavery. Washington was this amazing culture so thoroughly that it is almost a book within a book, and immediatelyalone.

If you read the chapter, such as custody of her son after Sojourner back to be sold by itself, you get a feeling for the size that has been strengthened. Sojourner not give up, or in spite of the fact that she could neither read nor write and spoke broken English because Dutch influence on their dialect. What Sojourner, a strong faith in God, which he inherited from his mother, though she was no longer sold by her mother as a teenager.

TheThe pain and suffering that slaves like Sojourner and many have endured pales in comparison to anything we can imagine here in America and much of the free world than ever. Reading biographies like this helps me concentrate and do what I can, rather than what I can do.

A brief excerpt from the book:

June 1, 1843, aboard the Sojourner Brooklyn Ferry in Lower Manhattan and headed for Long Island. A frugal woman with a savings account, wearing onlyto pay some money "Caesar." Once "in vain his clothes, he wore only a couple of things in a backpack. After getting on Long Island and along the sandy road, met a Quaker woman." I can see now, "said a journalist in Chicago, Sojourner Truth, as recall the conversation, long time ago.

The Sojourner asked the woman for a drink of water.

"What's your name?" he said.

I said: "Sojourner".

"Where are you have a name like that?"

SaidI, the Lord has given me. "

"I've been, is not it? Said," Lord, not the war. that your name is long? "

I said "No!"

"What was your name?"


"Fine, what?"

"Everything that was my master."

"Well, you said your name is Sojourner?"


"Sojourner was?"

Sojourner has confessed that he had not that what the Quaker woman, "this name was in pieces, so that seemed different and thought"It seemed to be not a name like that, after all." Shyly and quickly apologized, Sojourner shocked "and on the road and the sand was hot and miserable." In their disappointment, they shouted: "Oh God, give me a name with one, deal with it." After all, why the voice of God, had brought from the town of an unknown region, needed now, God, give it a name. In this moment of despair, was her "as sure as God is true, Sojourner Truth." Jumping for joy and thanked God for the name."You are my Lord and your name is the truth and the truth will be my name until I die." Finally, after five teachers and five children, and more than forty years on earth, remember Sojourner Truth, "I was liberated."

This is one of my favorite songs of the book, which is also the author herself in a video that I read further down in context. The author, Margaret Washington, professor of history at Cornell University. It 'also the author of the award-winning book "A particularPeople, Slave Religion and Community Culture among the Gullah and editor of "The Adventures of Sojourner Truth.

This biography is a phenomenal and I recommend it for every American and the world.

Expand your horizons with biographies

A good idea is to see at least a biography of someone in his opinion, admirable, and think about what would you do if you are in the same type of situation, as they were. Find out what may have been the result of their actions clearly a positive effect on certain decisions in your life, such as learning from mistakes and evaluating the possible results that could have.

This could be anyone: real musicians, politicians, writers,Administrators, teachers, kings, philosophers and others. You can learn a lot and will probably be appreciated by those types of people. She has probably contributed significantly to the world so it should be remembered. It is likely that among the reasons for open books and historical documents exist. Try more efforts towards understanding people who speak and the world have changed, and perhaps you can also spread in this way, the extent to whichto choose.

See what kind of life you can drive more people live to see their work, their speeches and entertainment. See if you can predict certain things, depending on the type of people they were. It 's all part easily expand your horizons. Think more about how you can benefit from biographies considered. It could be from simple curiosity. Some people have the desire, if possible, knowledge of certain people, bring others taken, and depending on theQuality, they should be recognized for their work.

Cartooning the Head and Figure (Perigee)

Cartooning the Head and Figure (Perigee)


Product Details

Here are tried and proven methods that explain, simplify, and teach everyone, regardless of age, the art of cartooning. Step by step procedures with more than 3,000 illustrations.

  • ISBN13: 9780399508035
  • Condition: New
  • Notes: BUY WITH CONFIDENCE, Over one million books sold! 98% Positive feedback. Compare our books, prices and service to the competition. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Customer Reviews ::

Cartooning stays the same - B. Najberg - Chicago, IL
This is an older book, (c) 1967, but it's terrific.
It has more examples of how to cartoon squeezed into each page than most newer ones.
It shows so many variations of different cartoon styles, that I recommend it highly.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Definitive Guide to writing a good advert

For some reason I'm not exactly clear, I did not really find biographies or autobiographies of interest that does not mean that there are interesting people out there, there. For some reason I can not read that others find it interesting. This book is an exception.

It is actually two books, not one: My Life in Advertising and Scientific Advertising. The first is the autobiography. The second is Hopkins' advice and strategies formost of your advertising and marketing.

Because if I really liked to read a biography. I think the reason that Hopkins did not spend a lot of time talking about his life. Must speak of his life says it is not long for him and does what is really interesting. Another interesting aspect of his biography that talks about various campaigns that actually did and how he made them successful.

In otherThe words, he does not know that fatal error of most autobiographies do: he does not go on and on itself, until you get bored to pieces.

The second book is scientific publicity, and this is the largest classical in advertising and text. This book is so important for people writing copy that legendary copywriter David Ogilvy, says you need to read at least seven times.

Many of the techniques described in this book that writers use today are exposedThe techniques that Hopkins invented. Hopkins covers all the important elements of writing your copy, including securities, the art of telling a story in your copy. It also shows how to test your campaigns so you do not spend your money in campaigns that do not work.

Whether you're a copywriter or a businessman who wants to get more from your advertising, this book is a classic and a must read.

My Life in Advertising and Scientific Advertising by ClaudeHopkins is a must for anyone serious about writing is that advertising makes money, to be read.

Book Review - Walk Like You Have nowhere to go

Lucille O'Neal a few years older than me, but we are contemporaries - baby boomers who grew up during the turbulent 1960, she on the East Coast, while I, for all intents and purposes, a native of California. (My parents moved from South Dakota in Lodi, where I was just six months.) Like you, I completed my education after marriage and children, and decided to separate from my husband for over twenty years of marriage . I could not wait to read the story of Mrs. O'Nealtheir journey to mental well-being of mental health "because the struggle for self-esteem and confidence is a struggle that I, like many women, are all too familiar.


If Shaquille O'Neal in the NBA in 1992, he moved, was not only his life changed forever, but it was his mother. the success of your son on the basketball court marked the end of the life cycle financial Lucille O'Neal struggles. Although his fame has brought unimaginable luxury andLucille safety after Shaquille generosity, the same old demons mocked Lucille: the disapproval of her family when she was a teenage single mother, its potential is not maintained, feelings of emptiness and loneliness within a marriage, 28 years and ten-year pattern of abuse to escape their problems through alcohol. He found himself surprised and confused by her unexpected feelings of envy and resentment of his son and achievementsProsperity.


As a very young child of George Lucille moved to Newark, New Jersey. Tell a vague memory of being in a car with his father, brother and sister, and not even know enough to ask if they were packaged, as yet, we do not know where "it" was! " At the end of 1950, it was rare for a father to have custody of children after divorce, when, as in the case of parents of Lucille, was the woman who wanted to end the marriage.It would not be united with his mother several years back when he lived with his father and brothers on the second floor of his paternal grandparents. altered in the light of a disability, the speech of his father, he was quiet and not involved in most of the parents. Their grandparents, especially my grandmother, and difficult to judge, were the influential people in the house.

Lucille "inches in height as high as my self-esteem further beaten during my preteen years.But they believe that their grandparents were not seen, in part because the family was so involved in church O'Neal. Although Lucille routine nature of his family hated the life he loved Rev. Iola Hartsfield, a female evangelist, African-American.

For me, this was Rev. Hartsfield is very boring. It was a wonderful vision and then see this black woman - so self-assured and confident - a man .... in the profession and in watching these courageousWomen command the attention of all its members with effortless ease and ability eloquently than I could. I am pretty sure that's where I first saw the idea in my head that I would one day become a public speaker.

Rev. Hartsfield has "nothing but a bit 'of a woman. It could not be higher knee for a duck, even with heels, but was a giant among giants, no matter where he was." Lucille and inspired by six feet of his twelfth birthday,from her, especially on Sunday when Rev. Hartsfield considered necessary to try to tell me their place in the pulpit buoyancy. "This morning, they said," Lucille, how do you go to a place to go. "Lucille is was too bad, but would come years later, to understand 'what was this extraordinary woman tried to do for me and for my confidence. "

Lucille was found in pregnant women in the age of seventeen. Depressed and lonely, she used government programs and variousfinally landed a job for the city, where she met her future husband, Phil would be in the next eight years, increase Shaquille, along with three other children a place to another, according to Phil told the military to prepare his growing family provide.

Lucille Phil describes as increasingly rigid and autocratic. Over the years, found himself increasingly confused and saddened by his behavior, especially considering that he is farHome for long periods of time in military service, during which they are fully accountable and responsible family. But when Phil returned, they expected that his authority as head of household return. With alarming frequency, he found himself to seek solace in alcohol binging, neighbors and friends over the weekend, as his relationship with Phil has grown steadily more tense and distant.

First they faced two crises, life changes, Lucille has been withdrawnthe faith of their childhood and the power that has allowed not only to stop drinking, but also for his success comes first as a professional athlete to adapt. However, they could not escape the feeling that something is missing in her life. When he finally gathered the courage to honor their situation and not just leave the marriage, but the financial support of his son back to school and a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Masters in organizational development acquiredManagement.


Lucille O'Neal history and how they say that are both contradictory and frustrating. Lucille wanted to understand experiences and feelings to determine if they are connected and inspired by their struggle for dignity and pride for their own merits. Unfortunately, the book says "What" of his life, but provides direct knowledge of "why is" just skimming the surface of emotions, which I hoped to spillthe sides. For example, we were told that she was depressed when she found herself pregnant at age seventeen. This is perfectly understandable, of course. But she has never fully explained how that depression felt at a visceral level, or the pain of their grief the family moved to forge an independent life with their child.

He also said that he was unhappy in his marriage, but does not explore the deeper reasons why they stopped and her husband- Indicate whether actually never really. Rather, she simply says they never discussed their problems, but describes many happy family times and Phil praises because it involved a father and protected. The reader is almost stunned as Lucille announced his decision to divorce were as Phil, when they provided the "Mansion" Shaquille to them, in a modest house she calls have shifted their "house". His sudden desire, their training is complete evensurprising, as his description of his childhood with the reader the impression that she was never interested in anything that leaves the school.

Perhaps even more aggravating is their declared unconditional love for their children and the desire that was lacking the kind of love children. If you spent the weekend in relation to descriptions of binge drinking - to the point that the next day she could not remember their actions often the night before - one wonders what forcedbehave in this way for many years, especially when describing the family several times sad financial condition. If this were so poor to understand how they should make chicken feed six people, why waste so much money on alcohol? (It is claimed that when she and her husband did not, drink from neighbors with which it was celebrated supplied.) The emotional genesis of alcoholism (which is never the word in the book) is never examined in a detailed andin fact, claims that have exceeded their addiction without any rehabilitation program.

A cynic might note is that the moment of self-discovery and liberation Lucille comfortable with sports superstar Shaquille rise. After all, university education that Lucille escaped as poor, young, single mother in New Jersey easily accessible, no matter what the cost of finance due to the ability of the child to education. (To his credit, Lucillesaid he expected the educational commitment of his family, in addition to completing his degree and later earned a master himself.)

Despite the lack of passion and book-depth exploration of the psyche Lucille has his trip very special aura of sincerity and truth. So the story unfolds against the backdrop of unprecedented social changes that we witnessed in the 1960's and '70 's. And who in the complexity of trainingmother-daughter relationships, the authenticity of the revaluation of Lucille's life and future when her mother was dying to recognize.

For most of my life, my mother had been a constant presence in my life that never wavered, as I have fought many demons. Although there have been snatched away from her, I could still feel his presence within me. She was my biggest fan and my most loyal supporters. It simply had never occurred to me that not only there one day, in particular,if circumstances are only for reference for the whole family.

Perhaps the lack of introspection is the book [on-year "spiritual well-being", with Lucille "the absence of self-love that in a total lack of self esteem and confidence result] defined." In 1992, when Shaquille was aboard his professional aspirations, Lucille still felt lost myself and stayed in her marriage while sailing subdued "the process of questioning so many things that no one could solve thebut for me - like I was great to finally get up, and for me the inside and the outside world? "It took a long time for her, tried to find answers, because in part, on the road, when you get tired of asking questions, he moved into a bottle, because a" drink does not ask questions, and accepts you as you are . "

Lucille's life story is a powerful story that says if you are in emotional depth and unflinching honesty, with echoes and evoke empathy from many women.Unfortunately, the book will be below its potential, why should my heart and soul of the story really develops Lucille on its pages. When I read the last page and closed the lid, I felt short changed, because I can understand and learn from it desired cathartic journey Lucille O'Neal the "mental well-being of mental health." Unfortunately, it seems that I never get this opportunity.

Dorie and Peggy

Dorie and Peggy


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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Madonna of the St. Denis Bar-BQ

Madonna of the St. Denis Bar-BQ


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The Madonna of the St. Denis Bar-bq is a true account of a parent-child relationship, beginning with the details of the death of the author’s mother, Belle-Moue, and tracing her history back, chapter by chapter, to her birth some decades earlier. It reads like modern-day fiction, scored with factual information. The theme is universal. Authors from different cultural backgrounds have written about the life and death of a parent: Simone de Beauvoir and Michael Ignatieff, among others, have recounted the mother-to-daughter, mother-to-son legacy.

The setting for the book is regional: it is the life story of a Québécoise, in la belle province, from 1988 back to 1909. The plot includes a distinct dimension — the veritable influence of religion and government on 20th century French Canada and on women in particular — a subject about which Huguette O’Neil writes with convincing authority. An award-winning author, she is also a journalist and served as Director of Information for the Quebec Council on the Status of Women.

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Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books

Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books


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We all have dreams—things we fantasize about doing and generally never get around to. This is the story of Azar Nafisi’s dream and of the nightmare that made it come true.

For two years before she left Iran in 1997, Nafisi gathered seven young women at her house every Thursday morning to read and discuss forbidden works of Western literature. They were all former students whom she had taught at university. Some came from conservative and religious families, others were progressive and secular; several had spent time in jail. They were shy and uncomfortable at first, unaccustomed to being asked to speak their minds, but soon they began to open up and to speak more freely, not only about the novels they were reading but also about themselves, their dreams and disappointments. Their stories intertwined with those they were reading—Pride and Prejudice, Washington Square, Daisy Miller and Lolita—their Lolita, as they imagined her in Tehran.

Nafisi’s account flashes back to the early days of the revolution, when she first started teaching at the University of Tehran amid the swirl of protests and demonstrations. In those frenetic days, the students took control of the university, expelled faculty members and purged the curriculum. When a radical Islamist in Nafisi’s class questioned her decision to teach The Great Gatsby, which he saw as an immoral work that preached falsehoods of “the Great Satan,” she decided to let him put Gatsby on trial and stood as the sole witness for the defense.

Azar Nafisi’s luminous tale offers a fascinating portrait of the Iran-Iraq war viewed from Tehran and gives us a rare glimpse, from the inside, of women’s lives in revolutionary Iran. It is a work of great passion and poetic beauty, written with a startlingly original voice.

An inspired blend of memoir and literary criticism, Reading Lolita in Tehran is a moving testament to the power of art and its ability to change and improve people's lives. In 1995, after resigning from her job as a professor at a university in Tehran due to repressive policies, Azar Nafisi invited seven of her best female students to attend a weekly study of great Western literature in her home. Since the books they read were officially banned by the government, the women were forced to meet in secret, often sharing photocopied pages of the illegal novels. For two years they met to talk, share, and "shed their mandatory veils and robes and burst into color." Though most of the women were shy and intimidated at first, they soon became emboldened by the forum and used the meetings as a springboard for debating the social, cultural, and political realities of living under strict Islamic rule. They discussed their harassment at the hands of "morality guards," the daily indignities of living under the Ayatollah Khomeini's regime, the effects of the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s, love, marriage, and life in general, giving readers a rare inside look at revolutionary Iran. The books were always the primary focus, however, and they became "essential to our lives: they were not a luxury but a necessity," she writes.

Threaded into the memoir are trenchant discussions of the work of Vladimir Nabokov, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jane Austen, and other authors who provided the women with examples of those who successfully asserted their autonomy despite great odds. The great works encouraged them to strike out against authoritarianism and repression in their own ways, both large and small: "There, in that living room, we rediscovered that we were also living, breathing human beings; and no matter how repressive the state became, no matter how intimidated and frightened we were, like Lolita we tried to escape and to create our own little pockets of freedom," she writes. In short, the art helped them to survive. --Shawn Carkonen

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Against medical advice - a study of Tourette syndrome

This narrative biography of a famous writer, James Patterson, and the theme of his father, Hal Friedman wrote, is a very fascinating story of a boy with a serious illness such as Tourette's syndrome is known to enthusiastic. Tourette syndrome has been described by a French physician in 1885. The syndrome includes multiple motor and vocal tics are involuntary, that penetrates completely independent of the patient. These include repeat recurring thoughts, uncontrolled movements of the otherpopular movements, inappropriate words and obscene gestures. The syndrome may be associated with attention deficit disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder behavior.

This story begins at age boy four years ago when he started with facial tics, tics, between the nose and grimacing. He was much disturbed by uncontrolled activities blinking.His body was so severe that sometimes broke several teeth. Sometimes we would both involuntary motor activity that would go all tickNight break to the point that he is part of the support from his bed. His verbal behavior was so bad that he uses socially inappropriate words accompanied by obscene gestures.

You can imagine the difficulty of his parents were not only in normal daily activities compared to home, but also in trying him at school. From 4 years to 17, his parents arrived with 12 physicians, each board is to use a new drug. Most drugs have been thoughtControl of tics and tic serious neuropsychiatric and be in the class of drugs known as antidepressants, sedatives and tranquilizers to be included. It shows the boy and his parents, that each of these doctors is for something, trying to help, but none of them really knows what to do.

Things get worse when he enters his teens, as resperidol on a drug called neuropsychiatric which in turn makes him a weight gain. Weighs 340 pounds and is richmore destructive, when his tics and spasms of uncontrolled evil. He describes all the tiles are broken in the shower this violent activity

He then found that the only relief that can be obtained from alcohol, resulting in alcohol dependence. He is also addicted to nicotine. He is also is prescribed under a great combination of sedatives usual, tranquilizers and antidepressants by doctors. One night when he goes to alcohol, almost burns the housefor a cigarette. It 'was at this point that his parents with the advice of his doctor to take him to a detoxification unit. But when they arrive in the system and are ready to take him, he begs her not to leave him and then sign the AMA gives [] against medical advice.

He has a great school, although there is still a junior in high school at age seventeen. His father convinced him in a survival camp in the mountains of Wyoming to go in winter.E 'during this experience of survival is able to get away from alcohol, nicotine and other drugs and nuerosphysciatric also lose 100 pounds in weight. When he comes home, again through biofeedback therapy, he learns to control his abnormal behavior. The next obstacle for him is to be accepted back in school as normal for his age. The beauty of this story is when his mother, the support system was his best throughout this ordeal, invokes his case before the schoolAnd authorities finally allowed him to return to school. [This part of the book will bring tears to my eyes.]

Like most victims of Tourette's, he proves to be very intelligent. [In his new capacity, his actions and behavior and] drug control, on time and graduated top of his class. He received a scholarship at Syracuse University. Because his teachers were so impressed with his computer and marketing, had an office in information scienceSchool in Syracuse.

I would encourage you to read this moving true story of a boy aged 4-17, in a position of great opportunities with the search for inner strength, despite the lack of knowledge on the part of medical science in treating overcome with Tourette syndrome was.