Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Flamenco Guitar Lessons

flamenco guitar lessons are not worth it for someone raised in Andalusia? Many years ago you had any credibility as an African-American blues singer and guitarist. And if you're Spanish is never anywhere as a flamenco artist, no matter how good you were. But these days, how many musical traditions, flamenco has now embraced the young people of Spanish origin. Twenty or thirty years to play the flamenco guitar, at least is perceived by people outside theSpain was a pair of third-class guitarists who were well controlled to promote themselves. Now you can see many great guitarists, professional and amateur, Spanish Flamenco guitar and Spanish give wonderful performances on YouTube. Here is a screw on the techniques of guitar you decide whether the flamenco-guitar lessons, be introduced.

So, on some basic techniques, flamenco guitar. The most important technique used in flamenco taps on the bodyguitar. This is called the fox and takes place just below the hole. Flamenco guitars are made with a tapping plate to minimize damage from the constant pounding on the guitar body. The coup is often associated with downward strokes of the thumb and used with continuous up and down strokes of the forefinger of flamenco guitar playing musical form called Bulerias used.

The rapid collection of flamenco guitarist has released picado. This isEven in classical guitar used, but not nearly the same extent. This is a "rest" shot that is played by hitting a string with a rebound in the first or second finger rests on the rope behind him. So if you break a shot on the second string with the finger in contact, playing with the third string after he hit the note. changes of scale as picado flamenco alternating with quick shots and played the first and second toes.

Another flamenco guitarThe art is the use of fast arpeggios. Arpeggios are played from the first, second and third finger in place on the first, second and third ropes, as if it is collecting an agreement. Rather than plucking three strings lift the whole hand slightly so that your fingers to play chords in quick succession. The thumb and fingers of a guitarist who has practiced this technique, can play some very fast arpeggio passages. The effect is similar to that used in rock Sweep PickingGuitar.

The thumb is used almost exclusively in rebates. This is another blow to rest where the thumb plays the sixth string, for example, and on the fifth string before the next stroke. It may seem strange to those who have tried to make the thumb and fingers "rest period" between the attacks, but this technique can produce some very fast picado thumb and play.

Another technique used in flamenco guitar is the tremolo. This is a technique to produce along series of melody notes with the bass playing thumb together. This technique was borrowed from classical guitar and flamenco tremolo is different in that four notes between the notes played on bass guitar melody whereas only three notes to play between the bass. shown in more guitar notation of the thumb as a "p" (Spanish for "pulgar"), the index is shown as "i", the middle finger is "m" and called the ring finger, is "A" (for the cyclic, which derives from the Latinfor loop).

And in order to constantly open on the first guitar string, you use your fingers and thumb in this order:
Now, note the bottom of the sixth string open with your thumb resting on the race.
On the open string:
Now, I Stroke
Now, with a shot
Now, ride with m
Now, I stroke
They played only a bass note followed by four notes of the melody. To resume playback, and make a deal with the left hand and viceBass notes between the sixth, fifth and fourth strings.

As you can see, these techniques are difficult to explain with words. They are easier to understand if you use my description written in collaboration with flamenco guitarist watching video. We will work hard to use these techniques effectively, and I strongly suggest you learn from a guitar player, as you know how to play flamenco.

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