Saturday, July 17, 2010

Review - Back and be happy - From Julie Papievis

This book is the inspiring true story of Julie Papievis. Julie is a successful businesswoman and athlete whose life is changed forever when his car was hit by a teenager running a red light. Julie suffered brain stem injuries, has only 4% chance of survival, and never given much hope of recovering a certain extent.

Julie awoke from a coma three weeks after the accident, she was not given much chance of recovery. But with strength and determination and aJulie has recovered a lot of confidence and was finally able to run a 5k race and then go run a triathlon. Your journey of recovery has not been easy, but their faith in God and their relationship with Christ has allowed for further progress. Today she was taken with a lawyer for the other lesions of the brainstem, and spends all his time to groups about their trip and their belief overwhelming.

This book describes the journey. It 'exciting and inspiring and left me in tears several times while reading.For all those who fought with the disease, or seen someone who loved the fight with the disease, reading the book was a gift. The book is full of hope so that you get through another day, we all have a purpose for our lives. Julie Papievis "life is nothing less than a miracle. People should not fix what has recovered so completely. Experience some of the same miracles to read their story. I can assure that you are not forgotten, and do not mindSpend time with their history.

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