Friday, September 17, 2010

Against medical advice - a study of Tourette syndrome

This narrative biography of a famous writer, James Patterson, and the theme of his father, Hal Friedman wrote, is a very fascinating story of a boy with a serious illness such as Tourette's syndrome is known to enthusiastic. Tourette syndrome has been described by a French physician in 1885. The syndrome includes multiple motor and vocal tics are involuntary, that penetrates completely independent of the patient. These include repeat recurring thoughts, uncontrolled movements of the otherpopular movements, inappropriate words and obscene gestures. The syndrome may be associated with attention deficit disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder behavior.

This story begins at age boy four years ago when he started with facial tics, tics, between the nose and grimacing. He was much disturbed by uncontrolled activities blinking.His body was so severe that sometimes broke several teeth. Sometimes we would both involuntary motor activity that would go all tickNight break to the point that he is part of the support from his bed. His verbal behavior was so bad that he uses socially inappropriate words accompanied by obscene gestures.

You can imagine the difficulty of his parents were not only in normal daily activities compared to home, but also in trying him at school. From 4 years to 17, his parents arrived with 12 physicians, each board is to use a new drug. Most drugs have been thoughtControl of tics and tic serious neuropsychiatric and be in the class of drugs known as antidepressants, sedatives and tranquilizers to be included. It shows the boy and his parents, that each of these doctors is for something, trying to help, but none of them really knows what to do.

Things get worse when he enters his teens, as resperidol on a drug called neuropsychiatric which in turn makes him a weight gain. Weighs 340 pounds and is richmore destructive, when his tics and spasms of uncontrolled evil. He describes all the tiles are broken in the shower this violent activity

He then found that the only relief that can be obtained from alcohol, resulting in alcohol dependence. He is also addicted to nicotine. He is also is prescribed under a great combination of sedatives usual, tranquilizers and antidepressants by doctors. One night when he goes to alcohol, almost burns the housefor a cigarette. It 'was at this point that his parents with the advice of his doctor to take him to a detoxification unit. But when they arrive in the system and are ready to take him, he begs her not to leave him and then sign the AMA gives [] against medical advice.

He has a great school, although there is still a junior in high school at age seventeen. His father convinced him in a survival camp in the mountains of Wyoming to go in winter.E 'during this experience of survival is able to get away from alcohol, nicotine and other drugs and nuerosphysciatric also lose 100 pounds in weight. When he comes home, again through biofeedback therapy, he learns to control his abnormal behavior. The next obstacle for him is to be accepted back in school as normal for his age. The beauty of this story is when his mother, the support system was his best throughout this ordeal, invokes his case before the schoolAnd authorities finally allowed him to return to school. [This part of the book will bring tears to my eyes.]

Like most victims of Tourette's, he proves to be very intelligent. [In his new capacity, his actions and behavior and] drug control, on time and graduated top of his class. He received a scholarship at Syracuse University. Because his teachers were so impressed with his computer and marketing, had an office in information scienceSchool in Syracuse.

I would encourage you to read this moving true story of a boy aged 4-17, in a position of great opportunities with the search for inner strength, despite the lack of knowledge on the part of medical science in treating overcome with Tourette syndrome was.

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