Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Long Way Gone - Memoirs of a Boy Soldier

Literature Reflection

Reflection 1

Writing can be a very effective tool to support, should be seen as a problem. By writing a problem on paper, can be seen in its entirety. You have the opportunity to start to see a middle, and end all at once. If you are a problem, we only focus on live events happening at this time. You do not have the opportunity to take a step back and see how the event will affect something else, as it might change. IfHe writes of his whole problem is seen as the small events interacting with each other and how the end result was.

Writing can be very helpful in finding a way to resolve and work through problems. You can use it as a way to heal yourself and understand why the problem had to use to take place. I personally use it as a way to get all my physical problems writing out of my head. Usually, when I put my problem neatly on the card (usually in the form of a poem) I can find a way to valuethe problem. Ismael used writing as a way to bring back to a time when he was happy when all was well. It was his re-discovery "of childhood that was almost lost." When I write the ideas, thoughts, my concerns, just all my emotions just flow onto the page. Most of the time I do not know what to write about it until it is before me. I find that writing helps me to solve my problems first showed me what I am.

Writing can be used in manydifferent ways, but is there a way that someone can help me. You can write back to a time when you return you can do, or can be in a place that would take you could go. Leave only takes away. Writing can bring peace, may have a clear head, and can do almost anything better, even if its just a bit '. Writing is a great was to begin the healing process. My personal writing has saved me from many situations mentally. He freed myMind.

Reflection 2

A Long Way Gone was a student wrote about her life, usually when a small child. Many people have difficulty relating to matters such as truth. They do not believe that you should be able to remember the thousands in much detail. These people admit that the terrible events have actually taken it, but I'm not sure that ever detail is correct. You wonder how much we actually trust what we read.

There are some events in a personLife that can not forget. Even if she wants to be printed on their heads. The stories are told Ismael just the kind of events. How could a man remember? He tried to block it, but time and again said that he dreams of his time in the army. It will never be completely from what he suffered. Ismael also speaks of a time when his father would give him something special that was supposed to help their memories for theirThe tests in the classroom. Ishmael is not sure if it actually works, but he tells how he almost everything as if it were an 'image' were in his head to remember. Ismael has a very good memory, I do not feel as special as he could remember events so tragic and terrible, like the one that has suffered as a child soldier.

I think we should memoirs such as A Long Way Gone regarded as truth. We must remember that some of the edges to keep the memories fade over time, few details caneasily changed, but the whole story as a whole is true. We have all the information we collect, critically, to search for an honest man. Look at the right of the book, Step, conference, or written submissions.

Reflection 3

A Long Way Gone leaves us in the war in a way that none of us want. We've all seen the film depicts war in the media and books, mostly from an outside perspective. This powerful book leaves us in the war through the eyes of a boy, he's afraid that participate inis forced to participate just to survive. We see it in a new set of eyes. He does not sugar coat the situation, making it seem better than it is. He now tells us only what he saw and what he felt. Ishmael is seen with the eye of cruelty to others, the suffering of the innocent, and fight what we all anyone can do.

Ishmael was taught to kill with out emotion. It 'been taught not to look at the person and decide, with compassion, but only the appearanceSituation. They taught him the situation was hopeless and the only way to survive would be to cancel the competition. They gave him no hope of a compromise. It was their way or death.

If I would have been in this situation, I would have a difficult time. I had a great fight against my will, only a human life without any thought behind it. Personally, I think about it too. Ishmael and the other soldiers only saw the rebels as something in the nature of theirOrder to destroy something, not like other people. They had thought so deeply imprinted in his soul some, would never leave.

My future will be affected greatly if I had to this type of conflict. I never would be able to figure that out of my head. I do not know how to move one with life. Ishmael found a way to be happy. I would struggle with the memory of the pain she had caused. Ismael was strong, he has found a way of life, which couldagain.

Reflection 4

Ishmael's friend began to ask him about his past. They asked if "the witness [ed] some of the battles." He said: "Everyone has done in this country." She asked him: "You mean you saw people running around with guns and shooting each other?" He told them that he saw "all the time." His friend thought it was cool. Ishmael then smiled to himself, what they thought.

People have a tendency to glorify the things such a war and struggle. I'm sureIsmael friends, if you read this book and I've seen through the eyes of a fact in the fighting, would have felt differently had taken. You will have to reduce the pain and destruction, what they thought was due to "cool" to see.

All in the past can help to shape their future, whether good or bad is in them. Your past shapes the future. Leave your past or your future and build it into something you want or we can destroy themThey worked. It 's all up to you. You can not change the past. They can, how they can affect your future. There are some things that things are close and care, and the other you must keep to the left. Each person is different and what they need is unique.

We have the ability to be who and what we do. We are the master painter sits in front of the pearly cloth. Our past is the brush we have the choice, where it is and how it moves. The coloris our future. There is new and slowly begins to show the big picture. We have to decide how we want to turn off the TV. What we have done can not be repeated, but you can use to shape the image into something beautiful. We have the wonderful ability to create beautiful creations. We need only believe, have the courage to take the brush.

Reflection 5

Ismael turned to music when he needed something. She let him touch it and away from it all. Ismael hada passion for rap music. He had a love for the stories behind the music. He left the music through his body and mind to take. He loved to sing and dance to the beat.

Music has always been a big influence in my life. If I play or listen to music now, has always touched my soul. The music is so full of emotion and expression. It 's a way of saying exactly what I can do without me. There is always music for every situation and mood. I need to feel beautifulinspirational music, as I wrote, something that a story full of excitement and awe with which said the use of words, or something needs a little 'more to lift the spirit behind me, a radio, music is here. I am never alone, if I could find the music on the left. It 's always been something there when I needed him.

The music has a very powerful way to touch the soul. You enter a person like no one else can penetrate deep into the world. Music can touch people all over the world. It is not necessaryto understand the words, or words to feel the power of music can bring. Music can inspire and lift the soul. The music takes us on. E 'delights the soul. Music is the medicine for the heart and soul. The notes can lift us and take us on a wonderful journey in which there will be only if you only allow us to touch the soul of our music and feel the healing in it.

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