Friday, September 3, 2010

Biography Book Review - Hero Todd Beamer 911

If we are all the events of 911 and witnessed the tragedy of that day, we saw the worst of humanity, the in-out the best of humanity, in turn, brought the best in us. Gathered in a common cause. Of course, many people died that day Americans good, solid running only on her day her way to work, home, work or simply to enjoy life were then defeated terrorism.

During this event several people who were not known, it has taken to defend themselves, evenThey Todd Beamer, who everyone remembers. Now what if I told you that I have a book that looked into his life before this event and explained exactly what happened when he did? Want to be of interest to you? Well it just so happens, I read his biography, written by his wife, and was literally blown away in this great hero. The book is called:

"Let's Roll! - Ordinary people, extraordinary bravery by Lisa Beamer (the wife of Todd Beamer Hero 911) with Ken Abraham Tyndale Books, ColoradoSprings, CO 2002 ISBN: 0-8423-7418-3.

This is a wonderful book, and it's amazing how the story of what we think we know. Everything is shown in this work, the true story, the media, over time. Feel like you knew Todd Beamer, a friend, a neighbor, a family member. This book contains everything in sight after an event so terrible and crazy. Every true American should read this book and be thankful we have so many Todd BeamerTypes among us. God Speed!

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