Monday, November 8, 2010

The Cereus - A cactus with a lesson to biographer Family Video

But what is a cereus? And what has to do with the video section?

I'm actually involves work as "night blooming cereus." It 's a constant, small slender cactus we have here in Arizona. What is special is that it blooms only once a year, usually sometime between May and July.

It's actually a pretty neat event. A plant is like a stick died suddenly sprout stems topped with golf ball-size buds that open after all in a beautifulwhite flowers. They last only for a night and morning, then wilt.

This is how insignificant Cereus that my wife and I did not even know we had two of them in our garden - until we saw during a trip to the Tucson Botanical Gardens, and realized, "Hey, so this is what this strange plant is in our yard! "

Last year was the first time was on a heavy "See Cereus." When the buds open, I was ready with a camera to document the event. Just last night our Cereus bloom again -and my wife and I spent some time admiring the flowers that grace with their presence only once a year.

So, what this cactus is a learned with biographies and video? The flower of Cereus is a special event. If you blink, you lose. It 's a rare event that I do it through pictures that I can now share documents with others inspired. The stories, our lives and our family histories are also rare and special and deserve to be preserved on video, isenjoy now and to switch to other family members.

And do not wait too long, in the blink of an eye on your precious storytellers and their stories may be lost forever. So I appeal to you, your family should be recognized storyteller, while in "full bloom". A difference Cereus, you may not have the chance next year.

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